Skin CV

Become a CV Rated Provider & Book More Clients

SkinCV is a platform that allows clients to explore, compare, and book medical spas like yours in Canada.

Our providers are curated medical spas vetted by industry experts.

How can my clinic partner with SkinCV?

At SkinCV, we carefully select and vet each provider to ensure top quality. We want to make sure your practice and our platform are a perfect match.

What makes a CV Rated partnership special?

As the only platform of its kind in the medical spa industry, SkinCV is the bridge between valuable customers and exceptional provider services.

More Value

Our mature and dependable clients are typically in the top 5% income bracket. They spend more on average, resulting in a higher customer lifetime value.

Trusted Patients

Thanks to our tested-and-seasoned marketing automations, we reduce no-show rates by over 86%.

Concierge Service

Our industry experts handle all the booking hassles for you. We guarantee bookings from real clients, ensuring they have their dream experience.